????????man????????????????????????man –f ??man –k ??????????????????????Щ?е???man???????????Щ??????????????????????????????????????whatis??????????????
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ man -h
????f:same as whatis(1)
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ man whatis
????#whatis - search the whatis database for complete words.
????#The whatis database is created using the command /usr/sbin/makewhatis.
????#???滹???whatis????? ?????/usr/bin/makewhatis??????
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ man makewhatis
????makewhatis reads all the manual pages contained in the given sections of manpath or the preformatted pages con-tained in the given sections of catpath. For each page?? it writes a line in the whatis database; each line consists of the name of the page and a short description?? separated by a dash. The description is extracted using the content of the NAME section of the manual page.
????#?????????makewhatis ???????????·?????????Χ?????????????????????????????????????????У????л????????????name?????????????
???????????????????????????????????????????д?????(a line) ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????п???whatis?????????????????????
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ type whatis
????whatis is /usr/bin/whatis
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ vi /usr/bin/whatis
????# apropos -- search the whatis database for keywords.
????# whatis -- idem?? but match only commands (as whole words).
????#grep “?????“ /var/cache/man/whatis
????#??????????????????/var/cache/man/whatis?????????whatis ?????
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ head /var/cache/man/whatis
????$notes_name [Module::Build::Notes] (3pm) - Configuration for $module_name
????*_unlocked [unlocked_stdio] (3) - non-locking stdio functions
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ ls -al /var/cache/man/whatis
????-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1057156 10-27 04:06 /var/cache/man/whatis
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ cat /etc/crontab
????# run-parts
????01 * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
????02 4 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
????22 4 * * 0 root run-parts /etc/cron.weekly
????42 4 1 * * root run-parts /etc/cron.monthly
????[chengmo@centos5 ~]$ cd /etc/cron.daily/
????[chengmo@centos5 cron.daily]$ cat makewhatis.cron
????makewhatis -u -w