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import lrapi.lr;
 import com.test.*;
 import java.util.*;
 import java.io.*;
 public class Actions
     public int init() throws Throwable {
         return 0;
     }//end of init
     public int action() throws Throwable {
         int downloadSize = 0;
         int downloadTime = 0;
         long startTime = 0;
         long endTime = 0;
         int speed = 0;
         int vid;
         vid = lr.get_vuser_id();
         String url;
         ArrayList urlList = new ArrayList();
                 BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("url.txt"));
         ??????????while((url = br.readLine()) != null){
             ???? urlList.add(url);
         }catch(IOException ie){
         lr.set_debug_message(lr.MSG_CLASS_JIT_LOG_ON_ERROR?? lr.SWITCH_OFF);
         System.out.println("Total URLs: " + urlList.size());
         for(int i = 0; i < urlList.size(); i++){
         ????url = (String)urlList.get(i);
         ????String trxName = "URL" + (i+1);
         ????startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         ????downloadSize = DownloadFile.getHttpFileByUrl(url?? Integer.toString(vid));
         ????lr.end_transaction(trxName?? lr.AUTO);
         ????endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         ????downloadTime = (int)(endTime - startTime)/1000;
         ????speed = downloadSize / downloadTime;
         ????lr.output_message(trxName + ": completed");
         ????lr.output_message("time cost: " + downloadTime + "s");
         ????lr.output_message("average speed: " + speed + "KB/s");
         lr.set_debug_message(lr.MSG_CLASS_JIT_LOG_ON_ERROR?? lr.SWITCH_ON);
         return 0;
     }//end of action
     public int end() throws Throwable {
         return 0;
     }//end of end