????<4> pwconv ???? ??????д??shadow???

#The script is add some users to a new group.
echo "Welcome to the add some users!"
echo -n "Please input the new group(example : mygroup) : "
read  my_new_group
groupadd $my_new_group
echo -n "Add the $my_new_group group is successful!"
echo "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"
echo "Then add some users to the $my_new_group group!"
echo -n "Please input the username(example: student) : "
read new_user
echo -n "Please input the username(begin_id)(example: 1 ) : "
read begin_id
echo -n "Please input the username(end_id)(example: 10 ) : "
read end_id
echo "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"
for ((i=$begin_id;i<=$end_id;i++))
#add the new_user to the my_new_group??and no add new_user's group
useradd -n -g $my_new_group $new_user$i
#delete the new_user password
passwd -d $new_user$i
chage -d 0 $new_user$i     //
echo "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"
????5.2 ???????su ?root
????groupadd sugroup
????chmod 4550 /bin/su
????chgrp sugroup /bin.su
????ls -l /bin/su
????sueradd bob
????passwd bob
????usermod -G sugroup bob
????5.3 ??sudo ???su
????sudo ????????? /etc/sudoers
???????????  %webadmin host1=/bin/vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf