????vim??Douglas Adams
???????Douglas Adams?????The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy??????????????vim?????и????????????????????
????sudo apt-get install vim
????sudo yum install vim
????:help 42
????What is the meaning of life?? the universe and everything?  *42*
????Douglas Adams?? the only person who knew what this question really was about is
????now dead?? unfortunately.  So now you might wonder what the meaning of death
??????δ???????????????????????????????е?????????? Emacs???????????????????????????????????????檔 ??????????????Emacs????Ubuntu/Debian?????????????
????sudo apt-get install emacs
????sudo yum install emacs
????cd /usr/share/emacs/*/lisp/play
????5x5.elc       decipher.elc    gametree.elc   meese.elc      spook.elc
????animate.elc   dissociate.elc  gomoku.elc     morse.elc      studly.elc
????blackbox.elc  doctor.elc      handwrite.elc  mpuz.elc       tetris.elc
????bruce.el      dunnet.elc      hanoi.elc      pong.elc       yow.elc
????bubbles.elc   fortune.elc     landmark.elc   snake.elc      zone.elc
????cookie1.elc   gamegrid.elc    life.elc       solitaire.elc