???????????????????????12c.sh ???Щ????????а?????з??????????????????????????????????????????35%??40%??25%
sqlplus -s n1/n1 <<EOF
set linesize 150
set pages 0
set feedback off
spool check_$1.sh
select 'ksh 12c.sh'||w||' '||t||' '||l||' '||rw||' '||rt||' '||rl||' ' from data where r=-1 and startdate='$1';
spool off;
ksh check_$1.sh |tee check_$1.log
grep suggest check_$1.log  |awk '{print $7" "$8" "$9" "$10" "$11" "$12" "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6}'>>filter_check.log
cat filter_check.log
function get_result
echo $1
sqlplus -s n1/n1 <<EOF
set pages 0
select case when zhu>ke+1
then rpad('big win:'??20)||to_number(w+rw)||' '||'$2'||'??'||'$3'||'??'||'$4'||'??'||'$5'||'??'||'$6'||'??'||'$7'
when zhu=ke+1
then rpad('little win:'??20)||to_number(w+rt)||' '||'$2'||'??'||'$3'||'??'||'$4'||'??'||'$5'||'??'||'$6'||'??'||'$7'
when zhu=ke
then rpad('tie:'??20)||to_number(t+rl)||' '||'$2'||'??'||'$3'||'??'||'$4'||'??'||'$5'||'??'||'$6'||'??'||'$7'
when zhu=ke-1
then rpad('little lose:'??20)||to_number(l+rl)||' '||'$2'||'??'||'$3'||'??'||'$4'||'??'||'$5'||'??'||'$6'||'??'||'$7'
when zhu<ke-1
then rpad('big lose:'??20)||to_number(l+rl)||' '||'$2'||'??'||'$3'||'??'||'$4'||'??'||'$5'||'??'||'$6'||'??'||'$7'
end from data where  startdate='$1'  and w=$2 and t=$3 and l=$4 and rw=$5 and rt=$6 and rl=$7 order by (zhu-ke);
while read line
echo ---start
echo $line
input_params=`echo $line|awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6}'`
get_result $1 $input_params
echo ....end
echo .
done <filter_check.log
rm check_$1.log
rm filter_check.log
rm check_$1.sh